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UNIR, The University of Internet
(Online Universities & Colleges - Distance Learning)

In this page you will find the university address, contact information and the list of degrees. For more information on the institution, please follow the official web site link that points to the english version when available, reduced information is usually presented (sometimes less than this page) while spanish version holds the complete contents.

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UNIR, The University of Internet:

Official web site: http://www.unir.net/english
University Information:
UNIR, The University of Internet
Telephone: +34 902 907 132

This university offers the following Masters, Doctorates, Courses, Careers undergraduate and Graduate degrees:


law degree
The Degree of Law aims to train professionals UNIR able to meet the changing demands of today's labor market and the legal world.

degree in business administration and management (ADE)
The Administration and Management (ADE) of the UNITE is designed so that all students achieve basic skills that are geared together to practice in the following areas: accounting and auditing, finance and marketing - Marketing.

master degree child
The only official title of Spain in virtual mode. Expand your training with the most innovative teaching techniques that will increase your chances of developing the center in which you work.

Primary grade teacher
The only official title of Spain in virtual mode. Get your teaching degree with a high specialization in the educational use of ICT in the classroom.

degree in Communication
Quality technical education that suits you. Combines work and study, and make sure a better future in an environment increasingly bet the qualifications of each and every one of the members of its structure.

degree in humanities
The Degree in Humanities aims to provide students with the knowledge that will help cope with an ever-changing world of work, as well as aim at training people and professionals in the openness and the versatility needed to raise and address problems and questions of our time.

degree in political science and public administration
The Degree in Political Science and Governance, UNITE brings together the new requirements of the current job market with the expertise of this discipline. This may be a balance that will enable graduates to adapt to the potential developments that require the labor market.

degree in social work
This degree is primarily intended to facilitate the inclusion of marginalized groups, socially excluded, dispossessed, vulnerable and at risk.



Master's Degree in Counseling and Financial Planning
The overall objective of the Official Title of Master's Degree is to prepare students for the exercise of EU financial advisor.

Master's Degree in Social Intervention in Knowledge Societies
This official master is expected to address the training of professionals specializing in the analysis, planning, development and implementation of various measures of social intervention.

Master in Integrated Management Systems
This official master meets the needs of university higher education in the field of prevention of occupational hazards, as well as the voluntary sector management systems ...

Master's Degree in Occupational Health and Safety
The Master in Occupational Health and Safety of UNITE granted the official title and is approved, so you can meet the requirements of the law, providing a fundamental value to the curriculum of those who enrolled.

Internet Law Expert
The keys of the legal regulation of the network. Get the hand of Professor Dr. Pablo Garcia Mexia quality training which enables you to propose solutions to specific legal problems that arise in the use of new technologies.

Expert in Personality Disorders
Directed by the renowned psychiatrist Dr. Enrique Rojas, was born in response to a need demanded by today's society, presenting the main theoretical and therapeutic approach of Personality Disorders.

Specialist internet radio
Directed by Juanma Ortega. We look to you for the new radio. Broadcasters demand experts in the management of content management tools multimedia Want to be one of them?

Institutional Master in Communication
Theory and practice of communication in the information society. A thorough knowledge of the functioning of institutions and communication problems that arise within society.

Master in Sociology
To understand the reality of modern society. Adequate knowledge and get updated on the methods and research techniques in addition to practical and professional experience in the study of social problems.


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