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University of Cádiz (UCA)
(Online Universities & Colleges - Distance Learning)

In this page you will find the university address, contact information and the list of degrees. For more information on the institution, please follow the official web site link that points to the english version when available, reduced information is usually presented (sometimes less than this page) while spanish version holds the complete contents.

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University of Cádiz (UCA):

Official web site: campusvirtual.uca.es
University Information:
University of Cádiz (UCA)
Telephone: 956 01 6755
E-mail: [email protected]

This university offers the following Masters, Doctorates, Courses, Careers undergraduate and Graduate degrees:

Diplomas are referred to academic experts and Masters. The form of the courses can be face - semi - Distance or through the Virtual Classroom
Master's: Custom Title for studies aimed at university graduates.
Following the completion and passing of a Master or Expert, the student is receiving for the Course issued by the Bureau of Securities at the University of Cadiz.

 List of Courses

Area: Arts & Humanities

Area: Science

Area: Health Sciences

Area: Legal Science

Area: Social Sciences and Law

Area: Cooperation and Solidarity Action Volunteer

Area: Economy and Trade

Area: Education, Family, Gender

Area: Computing

Area: Engineering and Architecture

Area: Engineering and Construction

Area: Environment and Marine Sciences

Area: Human Resources and Skills Development

Area: Health, Nutrition and Sport

Area: Tourism


Diploma / Courses of Specialization: Custom Title oriented graduates and exceptionally, for professionals and those who meet the normal requirements for university entrance and are directly related to the specialty of the title.
After the completion and passing of an expert, the student will receive for the Course issued by the Bureau of Securities at the University of Cadiz.

Area: Agri-Food and Wine

Area: Arts & Humanities

Area: Scienses

Area: Health Sciences

Area: Legal Science

Area: Social Sciences and Law

Area: Cooperation and Solidarity Action Volunteer

Area: Economy and Trade

Area: Computing

Area: Engineering and Architecture

Area: Engineering and Construction

Area: Interdisciplinary

Area: Environment and Marine Sciences

Area: Human Resources and Skills Development

Area: Health, Nutrition and Sport

Area: Tourism


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