> Exámenes > Universidad Católica de Salta > Inglés Técnico

1º Parcial A  | Inglés Técnico (2020)  |  UCASAL
IMPORTANTE: -Tenga a mano un buen diccionario

- Se calificará corrección y calidad
- Deberá subirlo hasta las 22.00 hs
- Resalte la respuesta con otro color

A. Read the article (Lea el artículo)
Branches of Accounting
The changing requirements of the business over the centuries have given rise to specialized branches of accounting and these are:
Financial Accounting It is concerned with recording the transactions of financial character, summarising and interpreting them and communicating the results to the users. It ascertains profit earned or loss incurred during a period (usually one year as accounting year) and the financial position as on the date when the accounting period ends. It can provide financial information required by the management and other parties. The word accounting and financial accounting are used interchangeably. At present we are concerned with financial accounting only.
Cost Accounting It analyses the expenditure so as to ascertain the cost of various products manufactured by the firm and fix the prices. It also helps in controlling the costs and providing necessary costing information to management for decision making.
Management Accounting It is concerned with generating information relating to funds, cost and profits etc. This enables the management in decision making. Basically, it is meant to assist the management in taking rational policy decisions and to evaluate the impact of its decisions and actions and the performance of various departments.
Tax Accounting This branch of accounting has grown in response to the difficult tax laws such as relating to income tax, sales tax etc. An accountant is required to be fully aware of various tax legislations.
Social Accounting This branch of accounting is also known as social reporting or social responsibility accounting. It discloses the social benefits created and the costs incurred by the enterprise. Social benefits include such facilities as medical, housing, education, canteen, provident fund and so on while the social costs may include such matters as exploitation of employees, industrial interest, environment pollution, unreasonable terminations, social evils resulting from setting up industries etc.

B- Write the correct branch, according to the definition. It can be in Spanish. (Escriba la rama correcta, de acuerdo con la definición. Puede ser en castellano)
1-It analyses the expenditure so as to ascertain the cost of products manufactured by the concern.
2-Accounting that discloses the social benefits and the costs incurred by the business enterprises
3-Accounting that is concerned with generating information that will enable the management in decision making.
C- Complete the sentences. (Complete las oraciones)
1-Establece las ……………… o …………… contraídas durante un cierto período de tiempo.
2-Provee de ……………………… requerida por ……………………………..
3- Analiza el ……………………. Con el objetivo de especificar el ………………………
4-Informa sobre ………………………………………. Etc.
5-Se requiere un contador para…………………..
6- Revela los……………………….. creados y los …………………….. por la compañía.

Enjoy your test!


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