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European School of Management and Business (EUDE)
(Universities of Madrid)

In this page you will find the university address, contact information and the list of degrees. For more information on the institution, please follow the official web site link that points to the english version when available, reduced information is usually presented (sometimes less than this page) while spanish version holds the complete contents.

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Online Universities in Spain

European School of Management and Business (EUDE):

Official web site:
University Information:
European School of Management and Business (EUDE)
Telephone: (+34) 91 446 22 19

This university offers the following Masters, Doctorates, Courses, Careers undergraduate and Graduate degrees:

Professional Masters Eude

Master in Management and Human Resources Division
The main objective is to enable the student to the proper professional performance of the various activities and tasks that the company is going to require. One considered that an appropriate combination of methodologies in which the student can acquire, develop and implement knowledge and tools, will undoubtedly be the most appropriate way of working.

Master in Management and Business Administration
With Master MBA Program and through a participatory and practical training, you get the training, skills and management skills necessary to be able to handle a business executive business meeting the challenge with an innovative future through knowledge of one of the areas key business

Master in Management and Marketing
The Master in Marketing, Advertising, Communication, Management and Commercial Management, Project Management and E Commerce is designed to provide the knowledge required to implement marketing plans, Internal and External Communication Strategies for Negotiation and Marketing Campaigns Creative and a myriad of important decisions to position business projects and changing markets as competitive as today.

Master in International Trade
The Masters in International Trade organized by the Business School Eude is meticulously designed and developed under the standards of professional experts in each of the matters discussed. Unlike other master in foreign trade, as reflected in each of our modules, seeks an eminently practical vision of the needs of the company in this section of internationalization of the market.

Master in Business Consulting
The Master of Business Consulting: Fiscal, Labour, Accounting, provides adequate training for those who wish to develop their career or develop in the area Accounting, Business Consulting, agency, or prosecutor in the activity of your company want management make it independently.
Master in Environmental Management and Corporate Social Responsibility
Eude Business School, mindful of the need for training in this area, has developed programs for graduates in Science or Engineering degree or technical training and experience wishing to train in different areas covering the Environment and its management so Sustainable Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001:2004), Environmental Impact Assessment, Agenda 21 and the Corporate Social Responsibility.

Master in Environmental Management and Audit Quality Business
Concern for the environment is, at present, an issue that is increasingly present. Problems such as climate change or environmental degradation are increasingly in the news, in the decisions of governments at the talks in the street.
Masters in Coaching and Talent Management
The Organization will succeed when the value and importance to people with whom you work. In times of crisis a good start for the Organization is to know the qualities that enhance their human capital.


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