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Institution of Higher Learning Felipe II
(Universities of Madrid)

In this page you will find the university address, contact information and the list of degrees. For more information on the institution, please follow the official web site link that points to the english version when available, reduced information is usually presented (sometimes less than this page) while spanish version holds the complete contents.

Universities > Universities in Spain 

Online Universities in Spain

Institution of Higher Learning Felipe II:

Official web site:
University Information:
Institution of Higher Learning Felipe II
Central Direction: San Pascual Street, s/n
Aranjuez, Spain

This university offers the following Masters, Doctorates, Courses, Careers undergraduate and Graduate degrees:


Degree in Audiovisual Communication
(NEW in the 2010-2011 academic year)

Degree in Business Management and Information Technology
(NEW in the 2010-2011 academic year)

Degree in Translation and Interpretation

Degrees and Diplomas

Degree in Translation and Interpretation (1999 Plan)

Degree in Audiovisual Communication

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Diploma in Business

Diploma in Tourism

Diploma in Engineering in Computer Systems *
* (Can present with Interligare Scholarships)


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